21 nov 2012

Monte Alban

The great XX century discovery al Monte Albán

Monte Alban Collar de piedras preciosas

The discovery of the treasure at Tomb 7 is undoubtedly the most outstanding event in the modern history of Monte Albán. Thanks to the exploration work performed by Alfonso Caso, in 1932, this piece drew international attentio.

Tesoro de Monte Alban cultura Mixteca
It consists of an offering formed by an amazing collection of objects fashioned from different materials: rock, crystal, bone, amber, shell; precious metals like gold and silver, jade, turquoise, onyx or odsidian, pearls, coral and jet.

Even though the tomb is Zapotec, dating from the Late Classic period, the presence of decorative iconographic desing and metallurgy indicate the Mixtec origin of these elements.
It would seem that the Mixtec actually broke in to this structure in order to bury one of their nobles. If this was so, in line with the prevailing mentality, the burial would reinforce the image of Monta Alban as a sacred place where the deceased were cared for and honored.

El gran hallazgo del siglo XX en Monte Albán

Aretes de oro Tumba 7

El descubrimiento del tesoro de la Tumba 7 es, sin duda, el acontecimiento mas notable en la historia moderna de Monte Albán; gracias a la exploración de Alfonso Caso, en 1932, se volvió un asunto internacional.

Es una ofrenda de diversos materiales: cristal de roca, hueso, ámbar  concha; metales preciosos como oro y plata; sin faltar jade, turquesa, ónix u obsidiana, perlas, coral y azabache. A pesar de que la tumba es Zapoteca, el Clásico Tardío, su decoración y la metalurgia le adjudican un origen Mixteco. Se cree que los Mixtecos profanaron el recinto para inhumar a un miembro de la nobleza.

De haber sido así, se refuerza la imagen de Monte Albán como lugar sagrado para cuidar y honrar a los difuntos.

2 collares de piedras preciosas.

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